Paint Dragon Head Bookends: Spray gray acrylic paint for a base coat. Paint dragons head with acrylic purple paint. Add blue acrylic paint to dragons eye lid, horns and fan on side of head. Apply a black wash allow to flow into groves of the bricks and details on dragon. Allow to completely dry. Now dry brush white or light gray on bricks and dragons head to highlight details. Paint eyes black and a dot of white for pupil. Paint teeth white. Finish with a clear sealer.
Although they are NOT included with the Bookends, these are the tools and other materials I recommend for painting your bookends or resin accessories: Clear Matte Finish Spray, white paper: glue item to for easier handling, Round Dry Brush size 2, Liner Brush 18/0 and 20/0, Small Round Brush 000, Black Wash and Acrylic Paints.