How To Paint The Monster Book of Monsters

How To Paint The Monster Book of Monsters
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It’s easy to paint The Monster Book of Monsters: Paint pages white, fur brown, eyes, tongue and gums of teeth red, and claws light gray. You will paint the teeth white at the end. Allow to completely dry. Apply black or brown wash, allow to flow into groves. Allow to completely dry. Now carefully paint teeth white leaving the groves between the teeth as they are. Allow to dry. Finish with a clear sealer.

Although they are NOT included with the Monster Book of Monsters, these are the tools and other materials I recommend for painting your bookends or resin accessories: Clear Matte Finish Spray, white paper: glue item to for easier handling, Round Dry Brush size 2, Liner Brush 18/0 and 20/0, Small Round Brush 000, Black Wash and Acrylic Paints.

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